
DTW14 - Cornwall - 26th to 30th September

Plan for the weekend

Numbers/chaps confirmed as are the travel arrangements - Wednesday night for Chap &Tone, Wednesday lunchtime fro Steve W & Phil, Rog on Thursday with Dave, Simbers & Ian (in the Aston??) early Friday.

Chaps food kitty - £10 per day per person to save arguments\embarrassment\etc!!!

Golf Thursday afternoon - Golf booked for 2.00pm at Porthpean as per last year.

Thursday Night BBQ - Burgers & Bangers (the sausage type Phil in case you were getting excited!!!). Rog may be on cooking duites ready for the return of the hungry golfing chaps!!

Friday night - curry night, Saturday night - steak night.

Beer & Food orders confirmed at the planning session 15th September - any other dietary requirements, email Tone. NB this is a strictly no fruit and veg (with the exception of mushrooms and spuds) week end!!!

